Kymeta Access
Kymeta Access is an industry leading application and portal solution which functions as the primary user interfaces between the Kymeta u8 product family and numerous intuitive interfaces and controls.
Kymeta Access Application
An Android-native and iOS-native application designed to interact directly with the user terminal hardware as well as a quick start guide, provide control, logging, metrics, subscription information, and support tools.
Kymeta’s application provides real-time network metrics, first-level controls, and an installer toolkit. You can view, monitor, and modify agency approved services at any time. A highly customizable and immersive experience ensures primary focus on your operation. The application connects via any local Wi-Fi interface to the hardware platform.
Download the Kymeta Access App
Kymeta Access Portal
A web-based interface designed to manage one or multiple devices. The portal includes a user dashboard with quick links to the more recent or most relevant details. Users can drill into the details of each of their devices and subscriptions. Can obtain the latest copy of their options file. Additionally it contains a complete product document library, integrated support functions, and more.